Hola Niños, Me Llamo Beinstein
So I figure I'd pick up blogging once again now that baseball season has begun and I'm still unemployed.
Each year I seem to be more and more excited about baseball season and the hopes and dreams that the Yankees bring. Perhaps my love of the sport has grown due to the fact that I've read a few books about sabremetrics and translate that knowledge to my fantasy baseball teams.
Let me give you my impressions of the New Yankee Stadium as I was lucky enough to spend Friday and Saturday there (catching 2 wins in the process). The average fan seems to get squeezed out here as the upper deck is pushed back, I did not see one foul ball go upstairs in the two games. That just gives you an idea of how far set back they are. Also, I've heard the sight lines are supposedly improved but my seats up in the grandstand row 11 had people's heads in my line, maybe the dude had a big ole melon??
I can only hope my next job has some sweet season tickets. (Hey a guy can dream right?) The Bleachers are a great place to catch the game, grab a beer and watch from above the batters eye for a great perspective. I'll gladly pay 15 bucks to roam around the stadium with the occasional inning to sit.
The stadium reminds me of the old stadium on Steroids. It looks the same except just bigger and more over the top.The video screen in center field is absolutely redonkulous. They really couldn't do a big redesign ala Citi Field so overall I think they did a good job.
They still have some kinks to work out as the sound didnt work for the final 4 innings on Saturday and the radar gun and scoreboard was buggy but that's to be expected.
The Great Hall is exactly what it
sounds like, a massive entryway with posters of past Yankee greats including Mr. Paul O'Neill.
As an afterthought I really don't like going to games at the stadium in April, generally its too cold and windy unless you're sitting in the field level where you're guarded from the wind. A combination I'm not extremely fond of unless it's in October.
I have a great feeling about the Yanks this season. Our offense is clicking on all cylinders, our pitching looks solid 1-5 and we have a well balanced pen. Once A-rod is back and healthy we should be looking at a 95+ win season barring any major injuries to other players. I love Gardner and his oversized dome turning over the lineup and providing that youthful spark we need.
Pretty funny how we had the best record in the grapefruit league and A-rod wasn't a part of it. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, also you can't read tooo much into spring training but it is promising to see the team really gel and pick each other up when needed both at the plate and on the mound.
On a side note it looks like me and Sobes are moving to a new pad on 23rd and 2nd. Movin on up baby to big open layout on the 23rd floor, excited to get out of the Money pit that is the 4th Dimension here.
Thanks for readin, not sure how often this will get updated but stay tuned.
-Beinstein OUT